Kitesurf Adventure Of Lifetime Holidays

Adventure of Lifetime

We are a Professional Kite surfers Planner Team based in Tarifa, Spain. We are aiming to help adventure travellers prepare their kitesurf trip to La Costa de la Luz, The Golden coast, as well knows as one of the kitesurfing’s Meccas with a solid reputation as the Adventure Capital of Europe with over 40 activities to try. We arrange absolutely everything you need for your kitesurf Adventure of Lifetime, since you arrive at the airport to the end of your holidays. For more information about our package and service click here.

“Our philosophy is simple, we aim to share our knowledge and experiences by creating your Adventure of a Lifetime.”


Dream Beaches

Discover the Tarifa beach scene - the fine golden sands, those surf-loving winds, and that very special light of the Costa de la Luz, together make an unbeatable combination.


European Mecca for kitesurfing

with its amazing 14km of golden soft sandy beach at the South Western tip of Spain on the edge of the Gibraltar Straights with its amazing views of North Africa where the sun shines and the wind blows 300 days out of 352 days


Sunset Paradise

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The best IKO certified, safety conscious instructors

Learn, improve and perfect your kitesurfing with unlimited hours on the beach in Tarifa, Spain.


Tarifa it's the 'Adventure Capital of Europe' with over 40 activities to try.

The beauty about Tarifa it is not just the amazing beaches and spots for kiters and surfers. Tarifa is a versatile paradise with an infinite choice of activities and tour. From any water sport adventure to boat trip on the Mediterranean sea where you will have the unforgettable experience of watching wales and dolphin in their natural habitat, to horse riding, scuba diving or climbing.


Package can be custom as you desired


Basic Package

More info
  • Transfer
  • Accomodation
  • Guide Couch
  • Kitesurf Test Equipment


More info
  • Transfer
  • Accommodation
  • Kitesurf Lessons all levels
  • Guide Couch
  • Kitesurf Test Equipment

Go Pro

More info
  • Transfer
  • Accomodation
  • Kitesurf Lessons all levels
  • Guide Couch
  • Kitesurf Test Equipment
  • Extra Activity


costa de la luz

Lying at the beginning of the beautiful Costa de la Luz, widely acknowledged to be Spain’s least spoilt and developed coastline, you know it as one of kitesurfing’s original meccas, but Tarifa is building a solid reputation as the ‘Adventure Capital of Europe’ with over 40 activities to try. Plus there’s great food, wine, friendly locals and a lovely family atmosphere! This is the busiest kitesurfing destination in the world. Luckily the huge beaches can cope with the thousands of kiters that descend on Tarifa each season and you can expect wind and sun for 300 days a year. All this is just a cheap, quick flight from anywhere in Europe.

other services and extras

  • Image windsurf

    Whether you are a complete beginner looking to learn to windsurf for the first time or an intermediate / advanced windsurfer who wants help with anything from beach starts, through harness & foot straps to that elusive planning carve gybe, come on one of our windsurfing courses & we can make it happen for you!

  • Image surfing

    Adventure of lifetime Services offers a variety of surf lessons for all skill levels. We provide for those wanting to take up the sport with a magnificent variety of services and benefit, such as technical training, the ability to go changing boards as you progress.

  • Image Paddle-Surf

    Stand Up Paddle boarding (SUP) is great fun! No experience necessary and perfect complement to improve and practice other sports. Depending of your level we will start off with learning the basic about the sport such as learning how to stand on the board, how to paddle and turn, and how to paddle back to the beach and safety exit the water, to learn how to catch a wave and maintain you balance whilst riding one.

  • Image scuba-Diving

    Take a chance and do not miss the opportunity to have a unique experience of lifetime taking our scuba diving package to explore our underwater where the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean come together. No experience necessary, we provide courses at all level, from beginner to PADI certified clients. We also do trips around the south coast of spain!

  • Image clibbing

    A perfect alternative for those adventures that want to take a break and learn rock climbing while breathing in fresh air and enjoy spectacular views across the Straits of Gibraltar to Morocco. We provide all level courses for children and beginners through to experts.

  • Image whale-dolphin

    A perfect option for those adventures that love the sea and want to take a boat ride in the strait of Gibraltar while having the experience of watch whales and dolphin in their natural habitat.

  • Image paragliding

    Riding Thermals instead of Waves, Tarifa strong winds attract not only water sports enthusiasts but also aficionados of hang-gliding, para-gliding and para-sailing. While the powerful air currents are often too strong to practise these sports safely, they do attract experienced dare-devils from across the world. Lesser mortals, however, wait for gentler conditions.

  • Image Horse-riding

    Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.


Contact Us


Get In Touch

Give us a brief description about the number of people are travelling, dates, budget and if you do required any extra information about our activity and tour.

Our Team will contact you within tye next 24hr

P: +34 630109021

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  • Multi-Night Stays
  • Equipment Provided
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